Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dating as We Age

I was just thinking…is dating getting better as I age? I say yes! Sure I’ve had those days of reflection, and I think that I should have been married or had children by now, but there comes a time when most individuals unmarried especially reach a point or let’s call it a plateau. There is a point where a person feels like “whatever happens happens”. Not to thwart your heart’s desires or plans, but this type of attitude gives a person more patience while waiting for their Mr. or Mrs. Right. As I approach my 29th birthday, (so old right? just kidding) I now finally understand what everyone says when they say, oh just wait and/or just keep working on yourself, just keep on loving yourself. Hey, it finally all makes sense. All those horrible clichés no one wants to hear when they are in search of their Mr. Right. You know I’ve heard it all. Focus on yourself, find out what you like…blah, blah, blah. The reality is these sayings are so true. I’ve even heard, how can you truly love someone else if you don’t completely love yourself. I have to admit that one never really made sense to me because don’t we all have the ability to love our selves and others? But what that means is like on an airplane. They tell you to make sure you have your oxygen mask on first before you start trying to help those surrounding you. Okay, I love that analogy. How can I love on someone else if I dislike everything about me? And when you really love yourself, others can’t help but see what you see or feel the vibrations you give off. And if they don’t see what you see then you know what I always say “kick rocks” chump!! Lol

But yes, my outlook on dating is definitely becoming better as I age and as I continue to work on and love me. Like fine wine baby. How long does it take to get to this point? It is different for everyone. Not to be egotistical, but just to really develop an attitude of accepting nothing but the best from the people in your life or whom you date. It may take some people to have children before they reach this point or to encounter divorce. Some get this while they’re still young others long after 30 and maybe some never get it. But it is a beautiful feeling to possess; just being happy with yourself and still expecting to attract a wonderful mate. When you and your potential mate are both at this point in life, you can do nothing but make beautiful music together. You both realize your own worth, each others’ worth, and that you both deserve the best out of life and from each other. There is nothing like having this mutual respect and the union will be blessed.

Furthermore, on this plateau, some have discovered that being married is not apart of their life’s purpose. They have become very content with themselves or their work. They may realize that they don’t want to have children or be married, but possibly still date people or just one person. There is nothing wrong with this because married life isn’t for everyone. The key is to make sure that you are happy with your life whatever path you choose.


  1. You betta preach! I would agree, married life isn't for everyone and I do believe that with age comes wisdom (well for the majority of us). Congrats on your new chapter in your life and it keeps getting better from here!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Girl!!
