Monday, June 8, 2009

"Divine Appointments"

I believe in “Divine Appointments”. My Life Mentor first introduced me to this concept. Divine appointments can occur in relationships with family and friends, love relationships as well as people you don’t know (those you meet in passing or those you meet for the first time)…have some of us unknowingly entertained angels ;-)? Divine appointments are unplanned events/meetings with people…Regarding love relationships, this can be a joyous time! It’s like really liking someone, wanting to see them or talk to them and they walk by or call! It’s like praying and searching for your soul mate, and meeting him or her the next day. God and our Angels set these things in motion…whether this person is here for a season or a lifetime, they come into your life for a purpose…it is something that you can feel in your soul. You know what you need, and they are there to provide it…it could be in conversation, exchange of ideas, healing, networking…you name it…you learn something in all these divine appointments.

I have been encountering several of these lately…with many people…not just love interests. I have also been getting in tune with my Angels. Google Doreen Virtue and you will know what I’m talking about. Our angels will help us bring desires to pass. Regarding love, I’ve often gone in with “rose-colored” glasses on…hmm…doesn’t that feel like the best of times? It is important to maintain communication with your love interest so that you will know if you are both on the same page. Lack of communication is one of the things that make dating and relationships so difficult. What happens when you take off your tinted shades? When all the truth is revealed? Will you be able to love unconditionally? Will you be able to let someone go if their season in your life has ended? We must pray everyday and hope for the best in our dating life, and constantly conduct self-checks. It’s like checking in with yourself and then checking in with your love interest. There is so much deception to look out for…you have to make sure that you are being real with yourself and real with others. The “love” feeling is definitely a scary one and a good one at the same time. We have to be able to love openly and accept truth. Enjoy Divine Appointments while they last and learn, learn, learn…and love, love, love…